Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Top Ten reasons why Eddie Van Halen is NOT the worlds greatest guitar player!

#1 Stanley Jordan
The King of All guitar. Stanley Jordan Studied Music at Princeton University in the 70's and was discovered playing for change on the street-corners of New York City. Initially starting off as a rock guitarist, he switched to playing jazz, after he was bored with the standard progressions and simplicity of rock guitar...even Hendrix, his biggest influence became passe to him.
Stanley plays the guitar much like a piano, in that he plays the rythm and bass lines on one hand while simultaneously hammering out blistering jazz leads with the other. Stanley gained notoriety playing along side the great Dizzy Gillespie. His 1995 album "Magic Touch" went gold upon the release of his infamous version of "Stairway to Heaven". His first exposure to the public, was as a frequent guest on the "Late Night With David Letterman"...one of his more famous performances can be seen HERE.....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3gHtPLXQOI
He is the first guitarist that I know of to play TWO guitars at the same time..see it here...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQZY87PDsnQ. Jazz is by all standards the most difficult style of music to play. It takes a mastery of music theory and physical technique that most musicians pull their hair out trying to learn, so the fact that he can take smooth jazz and turn it upside down by playing so well that he needs TWO instruments is nothing short of a miracle. Stanley is the greatest guitar player in the world (that I am aware of), and I am proud to top my list of master players with the Ultimate Master...here he is playing the song that made him a god-among musicians, "Stairway to Heaven"....make sure you listen to and watch the whole thing, or you may miss some of the greatest playing ever recorded...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HjXN3OLgoqs...and a duet with the late, great Jeff Healey playing the Hendrix classic, "All Along the Watchtower"..http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNE5-MQ1-aY

Monday, September 29, 2008

Who Lied at the Debate?

For your consideration- from Cnn...
Earlier Monday, McCain told voters that Obama isn't being honest about his tax votes and said the Democrat is "always cheering for higher taxes."
In response, the Obama campaign called McCain's remarks "false attacks" and an "angry diatribe."
"Two times, on March 14, 2008, and June 4, 2008, in the Democratic budget resolution, he voted to raise taxes on people making just $42,000 per year. He even said at the time that this vote for higher taxes on the middle class was 'getting our nation's priorities back on track,' " McCain said at a rally in Columbus, Ohio.
"Then something amazing happened: On Friday night, he looked the American people in the eye and said it never happened. My friends, we need a president who will always tell the American people the truth," McCain said.
McCain said a vote for Obama would "guarantee higher taxes, fewer jobs and an even bigger federal government" and charged that "these policies will deepen our recession." ......word from the author of this blog....McCain made this charge during the Friday night debate, and no wonder people think that Obama won- He was telling Bald-faced lies, and its easy to win an argument if you don't have to rebut with factual information. Concurrent Senate bill 70, was authored to and proposed to raise taxes on people making $42000 per year. This bill was voted on TWICE, and BOTH times, Mr. Obama voted for the tax-hike on (the rich?) the middle-class Americans he claims to champion. As usual, I back-up my claims, something the other side never does...http://www.votesmart.org/issue_keyvote_member.php?cs_id=17824..this budget will go into effect in 2009 if the president signs it, so far he is sticking to his guns on taxes...I can list each of Obama's lies during this debate individually if I must, but in the Democratic mind, The truth doesn't matter as long as at the end of the day, they all feel good...An old friend of mine asked me on this very blog, if we were "pre-programmed" to disagree with everything a liberal says. My answer would be no...we research things ourselves and come to our own conclusions, which usually ends up being "the liberal is lying yet again"...

Sunday, September 28, 2008

top ten reasons why Eddie Van Halen is NOT the world's Greatest Guitar player

# 2 Eric Johnson
Eric is true guitarist's guitarist. His mastery of all styles of playing, as well as his carefully developed tone (earning him the nick-name, "the Tone Ranger") has garnered him praise and admiration from guitarists all over the world. Carlos Santana, Eric Clapton, Johnny Winter, Steve Vai, Joe Satriani, and the late, great Stevie Ray Vaughn are among some of his greatest admirers. In 1990 he released an album called "Ah Via Musicom" which produced the single, "the Cliffs of Dover" which garnered not only a Grammy award for Best Rock Instrumental Performance, but also produced a platinum album, which is a rare feat for a man primarily known as a guitar hero. Satriani, Vai, Hendrix, Vaughn, Beck, and Clapton are among the only other guitar heros to have major success as a solo guitar-slinger. Once you get a taste of Eric's amazing guitar tone, you can pick it out in any song he plays on. If you hear a Hendrix song, you know it is him even without the vocals, the same with Stevie Ray Vaughn. Eric Johnson is one of the rare breed of guitarists who has spent as much time defining his SOUND, as he has spent developing his CHOPS. Eric is one of the first rock guitarists to incorporate "Hybrid" picking into his chops. This method of picking is used primarily by country and Gypsy Jazz guitarists. My #9 pick, Brad Paisley is a perfect example of a Hybrid picker. This is a live version of one of the greatest instrumental songs EVER written. This version of "the Cliffs of Dover" was recorded live at Austin City Limits, and is proceded by some very impressive fretboard fireworks. The actual song begins at 2:13 in the video, but all of the playing before it is enough to make even Eddie pull out his hair...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=miex7SQLHUk
and anther style Eric is a master of- fingerstyle acoustic blues...almost sounds like an Adrian Legg song...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebLaXvkPRR4
and finally, the intro to one of the most famous instructional guitar videos ever..this was, and still is "Hot Licks" biggest selling video. In just two minutes, you see and hear exactly what a guitar MASTER can do.. completely improvise and make it sound pre-arranged and practiced...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=htobScsOB70

Friday, September 26, 2008

Who's to blame for our Economic Crisis, and who tried to stop it?

This story is from the New York Post..hold on to your voter cards, because it is exactly who WE have been saying all along...http://www.nypost.com/video/?vxSiteId=0db7b365-a288-4708-857b-8bdb545cbd0f&vxChannel=PostUs&vxClipId=1458_386235&vxBitrate=300 the two people who actually tried to prevent this were blocked by the very people who are pointing fingers at them...

Thursday, September 25, 2008

this may sound familiar to those who have ALWAYS paid attention

Are you drinking it?

The Real Culprits In This Meltdown
By INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY Posted Monday, September 15, 2008
Big Government: Barack Obama and Democrats blame the historic financial turmoil on the market. But if it's dysfunctional, Democrats during the Clinton years are a prime reason for it.
Read More: Business & Regulation
Obama in a statement yesterday blamed the shocking new round of subprime-related bankruptcies on the free-market system, and specifically the "trickle-down" economics of the Bush administration, which he tried to gig opponent John McCain for wanting to extend.
But it was the Clinton administration, obsessed with multiculturalism, that dictated where mortgage lenders could lend, and originally helped create the market for the high-risk subprime loans now infecting like a retrovirus the balance sheets of many of Wall Street's most revered institutions.
Tough new regulations forced lenders into high-risk areas where they had no choice but to lower lending standards to make the loans that sound business practices had previously guarded against making. It was either that or face stiff government penalties.
The untold story in this whole national crisis is that President Clinton put on steroids the Community Reinvestment Act*, a well-intended Carter-era law designed to encourage minority homeownership. And in so doing, he helped create the market for the risky subprime loans that he and Democrats now decry as not only greedy but "predatory."
Yes, the market was fueled by greed and overleveraging in the secondary market for subprimes, vis-a-vis mortgaged-backed securities traded on Wall Street. But the seed was planted in the '90s by Clinton and his social engineers. They were the political catalyst behind this slow-motion financial train wreck.
And it was the Clinton administration that mismanaged the quasi-governmental agencies that over the decades have come to manage the real estate market in America.
As soon as Clinton crony Franklin Delano Raines took the helm in 1999 at Fannie Mae, for example, he used it as his personal piggy bank, looting it for a total of almost $100 million in compensation by the time he left in early 2005 under an ethical cloud.
Other Clinton cronies, including Janet Reno aide Jamie Gorelick, padded their pockets to the tune of another $75 million.
Raines was accused of overstating earnings and shifting losses so he and other senior executives could earn big bonuses.
In the end, Fannie had to pay a record $400 million civil fine for SEC and other violations, while also agreeing as part of a settlement to make changes in its accounting procedures and ways of managing risk.
But it was too little, too late. Raines had reportedly steered Fannie Mae business to subprime giant Countrywide Financial, which was saved from bankruptcy by Bank of America.
At the same time, the Clinton administration was pushing Fannie and her brother Freddie Mac to buy more mortgages from low-income households.
The Clinton-era corruption, combined with unprecedented catering to affordable-housing lobbyists, resulted in today's nationalization of both Fannie and Freddie, a move that is expected to cost taxpayers tens of billions of dollars.
And the worst is far from over. By the time it is, we'll all be paying for Clinton's social experiment, one that Obama hopes to trump with a whole new round of meddling in the housing and jobs markets. In fact, the social experiment Obama has planned could dwarf both the Great Society and New Deal in size and scope.
There's a political root cause to this mess that we ignore at our peril. If we blame the wrong culprits, we'll learn the wrong lessons. And taxpayers will be on the hook for even larger bailouts down the road.
But the government-can-do-no-wrong crowd just doesn't get it. They won't acknowledge the law of unintended consequences from well-meaning, if misguided, acts.
Obama and Democrats on the Hill think even more regulation and more interference in the market will solve the problem their policies helped cause. For now, unarmed by the historic record, conventional wisdom is buying into their blame-business-first rhetoric and bigger-government solutions.
While government arguably has a role in helping low-income folks buy a home, Clinton went overboard by strong-arming lenders with tougher and tougher regulations, which only led to lenders taking on hundreds of billions in subprime bilge.
Market failure? Hardly. Once again, this crisis has government's fingerprints all over it.

Black Hurricanes and Street jive ?!?

Black hurricanes....Well, it appears our African-American friends have found yet something else to be pissed about. A black congresswoman (this would be Sheila Jackson Lee, of Houston), reportedly complained that the names of hurricanes are all Caucasian sounding names.She would prefer some names that reflect African-American culture such as Chamiqua, Tanisha, Woeisha, Shaqueal, and Jamal. I am NOT making this up!She would also like the weather reports to be broadcast in 'language' that street people can understand because one of the problems that happened in New Orleans was, that black people couldn't understand the seriousness of the situation, due to the racially biased language of the weather report.I guess if the weather person says that the winds are going to blow at 140+ MPH, thats too hard to understand. I can hear it now: A weatherman in New Orleans says...Wazzup, mutha-fu****s! Hehr-i-cane Chamiqua be headin' fo' yo ass like Leroy on a crotch rocket! Bitch be a category fo'! So, turn off dem chitlins, grab yo' chirren, leave yo crib, and head fo' de nearest FEMA office fo yo FREE shit!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

top ten reasons why Eddie Van Halen is NOT the worlds greatest guitar player

#3 John Petrucci

I have to be real careful here, because my top three could have been completely different than I have decided. Each of these players has something unique about them that places them at #3, 2, and of course #1 on my list. I REALLY wanted to put John at number 1, but as you will see later, the next two have a certain quality that you have to be BORN with. In my opinion, as far as over-all playing is concerned, no one, and I mean NO ONE beats this man, John Petrucci. First of all, he is a graduate of the Julliard school of music. The list of world-famous musicians who attended this school are too numerous to list. Lets put it this way- maybe 1 player in every 10 symphonies in the WORLD are good enough to go to this school. John's ENTIRE BAND, Dream Theater, attended, and graduated from this school. They are the ULTIMATE alternative band, and this man is the pefect cross between "Dimebag" Darrel, Kirk Hammett, Alex Lifeson, Eddie Van Halen, Joe Satriani, Lindsay Buckingham, and Yngwie Malmsteen. There is NO ONE who plays this perfect. If you can fast forward this video to the 2:12 mark, you will soon see what I am talking about, ...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qk7ABxAcMdA....although the rest of the song is very much like Rush meets Metallica...I have been told that he is all technique. I disagree, in order to write poetry, you have to master the rudiments of the language, and THEN learn to express yourself, and in my opinion, there is no better guitar poet. Check out this unimaginable cover of Master of Puppets, from METALLICA. John Kills it like he's playing a Beach Boys song...the solo at about the 3:60 mark is incredible..Kurt wishes he played it this well....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UY1qYI3oY-0..a cool solo demonstration of one of his Dream Theater solos..I can't play past the 1st bar...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSlR90VEKlY...and then of course, John playing Joe Satriani, WITH Joe Satriani. Always with me, Always with you...John comes in at about the 2:10 mark..and check out the expression on Satriani's face when they pan to him. It's not the best sound quality, but you get the point....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUYFLT2repo. Petrucci = the guitar god.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Top Ten reasons why Eddie Van Halen is NOT the worlds greatest guitar player!

#4 John Norum

John was one of the most exiting and versatile guitarists to come out of the 80's. As the lead guitarist for the first and only Swedish megaband EUROPE, he has sold millions of albums world-wide, and released a few solo albums as well. His album "Total Control" was the first album I purchased that wasn't on vinyl, and I spent countless hours alone in my room after school making my fingers hate the day John Norum discovered the guitar. He has also recorded and toured the world with the legendary band DOKKEN. He was the first,and in my opinion, the best,guitarist to fill the shoes of guitar god George Lynch, (sorry Reb). He is also a regular guest on stage with Glenn Hughes and the L.A. Blues authority. Despite the death of melodic rock in the United States thanks to Nirvana, Europe are still a huge band in the rest of the western world, and have been pumping out albums for over 30 years now. For those of you who don't remember Europe, here is a reminder...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YuayFYlMXt8.

Here is a video of John playing his solo live with Europe about a year ago..as you can see, he is not just a shred-master, but also fuses the blues and some Stevie Ray Vaughn leads into his solo performances...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=siYhAAIKch4

And here, playing yet another style he is known for,layed back acousic- not too flashy, but very memorable and relaxing....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfkn6rhss5I

Monday, September 22, 2008

Top Ten reasons why Eddie Van Halen is NOT the worlds greatest guitar player!

#5 Adrian Legg
Huh? Never heard of him? One of the greatest finger-style players to ever grace our ears, Adrian is nothing short of a virtuoso. His sound is so rich and full, that it is hard to believe that everything comes from one guitar, and at one time. He is the master of alternate tunings, as well as string bending. He perfected a style that allows him to alternately tune his guitar while he is in the middle of a song, and it always fits in perfectly with the music. He was even featured on one of the G3 guitar tours- a little out of place I'm sure, but he probably schooled everyone else on the tour, including Satriani.
This little olde Englishman can make even the biggest guitar snob blush...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cUpeQytOCLE- fyi...the second guitarist in this video is an unknown. This one is a little more upbeat- not a whole lot of tuning and detuning, but an amazing example of how much sound can come from one instrument if it is being played by a master...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gd4uVwxsSHk

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Patriotic Rockers tour Iraq

A few of the greats have formed a band, and are performing for our brave men and women in Iraq. I was thrilled to see that the legendary vocalist Joe Lynn turner, of Rainbow and Yngwie Malmsteen fame is the leader of the pack (2nd from the right). Joe has one of the greatest male voices of all time, starting as an opera singer in the late 60's. Also included in the band are Carlos Cavazo of Quiet Riot, Vinnie Appice from the Ronnie James Dio band, and Phil Soussan from Ozzie Osbourne..

If anyone doubts that our soldiers have done a fantastic job and won this war- check out what they have to say...."On September 9, 2008, Big Noize played a free concert for the U.S. and Coalition forces at Forward Operating Base Shield in Baghdad. After the sound check, the band enjoyed an outdoor barbeque while hanging out with the troops. The band kicked off around 8:00 o'clock and played one 2 ½ hour set, composed mostly of hits from Rainbow, Quiet Riot, AC/DC, Deep Purple and Ozzy. While the performance of each of the band members was outstanding, the enthusiasm of the crowd and the band was what made it one of the most memorable concerts I've attended. The audience of mostly young soldiers head banged non-stop and then began crowd surfing. The band joined in with Joe surfing out across the crowd. However, the most spectacular sight of the evening was provided by the Iraqis living at a neighboring compound. Approximately 50 Iraqis climbed the 20 foot tall concrete wall and then danced and generally rocked out for the rest of the evening. The band then stayed and signed autographs and visited for another hour or more. All in all, it was the best evening that this place has seen - ever. Thanks to the band for a great show and thanks for coming to visit us at FOB Shield. Take care, good luck and safe journeys. ERIC F. MEJIA, Lt Col, USAF."...this is from Melodicrock.com...an Australian-based website created for the still-kicking world of real rock and roll- notice the fact that the Iraqis themselves were dancing on top of the wall with our military...God Bless you Joe Lynn Turner..God Bless the troops...and God Bless Big Noize...

Nothing could be more UN-American- Forced servitude

Biden calls on "wealthy Americans" to be patriotic and PAY MORE TAXES?!? They already pay 90% of the taxes in this country- how greedy can you get?

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

What in the world would this man be doing on Scotty's Blog? Read on....

This is going to piss alot of people off, but hey, thats my right as an American, at least until the ACLU finally fulfills their ultimate agenda of political correctness. There are few "icons" in the world I despise more than this man. Kurt Cobain would be a distant second (because he sucked as a musician, and single-handedly depressed a generation of young adults) and perhaps Axle Rose third (only because he is too stupid to appreciate what he has, and is throwing away the possibility of a Guns N Roses reunion because of his personality disorder). I was watching a newscast last night and heard the song "Imagine" blaring from the loudspeakers at an Obama rally and I was actually offended. Not much offends me, but this did. Ready to get angry? Well....here goes..

First of all, Lennon was a devout communist -- not a patriot of America nor England.Don't believe me? Here is an article from Rolling Stone circa 1971 in which he admits that "Imagine" is virtually the communist manifesto......http://www.rollingstone.com/artists/johnlennon/articles/story/5920167/imagine. Yeah, he claimed at the time that he wasn't a member of a party or group, but once again in a Counterpunch interview with the infamous Socialist Tariq Ali, he admits to being a "Christian Communist"as well as talks about creating "western style communism", and convincing college students to join the underground communist movement, "the red mole movement".....http://www.counterpunch.org/lennon12082005.html...... He reaped all the benefits of our free speech traditions and our free market, yet he was a strong critic of the very systems that made him one of the wealthiest entertainers in all of history. This, I feel, makes him like the rude houseguest who eats your dinner and then complains you used too much salt and not enough paprika, then sleeps in your bed and showers in the morning and complains that your bed was too soft for his liking and your towel has fuzz balls.
Lennon was a spoiled celebrity who, since 1962, had all the fame, glory, admiration and money that a mortal can achieve in the free world. Nonetheless, he pretended to be some sort of WORKING CLASS HERO when in fact, his entire life since he was 17 was one of an insulated celebrity. Sure, it's easy to talk about no possessions when you (I'm shouting now) LIVE IN A PARK AVENUE PENTHOUSE! Sure, it's easy to sing about everyone getting along WHEN YOU ARE SURROUNDED BY ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY YES MEN AND ADORING FANS WHO IDOLIZE YOU!
John Lennon had as much in common with the average working or unemployed stiff as a house sparrow does to a tyrannosaurus rex! Now on to a point-by-point reply to the late Lennon's Imagine lyrics:
Imagine all the people Living life in peace...
John, let me remind you that without war, your hometown and country would be a province of Nazi Germany and your adopted hometown of New York, NY would still be under England's rule which would be under the Nazi's rule by now anyway which would mean you'd never have played boogey-woogey in Liverpool because the "American Negro" would never have been freed from slavery and allowed to develop jazz music because there would have never been an American Civil War!
Imagine no possessions I wonder if you can
Yea, ok, I will: I'm imagining the Beatles without guitars and amps and imagining little teen-aged Don Ardell without his 45s and record player. Odd thing, but now I'm imagining you without a New York penthouse!
No need for greed or hunger A brotherhood of man
Yea, well now I'm imagining you sitting on a cardboard box with a paper cup and telling people, "I'm NOT a drunk or drug addict, I really do need some money for food." There are plenty of hungry people right there on Park Avenue but you never noticed them from the smoked glass of your chauffer driven limousine, did you? Was your NY penthouse and limo, and estate in England necessary or were they demonstrations of your own greed?
Imagine all the people Sharing all the world...
You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one
Ok, I must agree 100% with that one! Anybody who believed that Yoko could actually sing has got to be a somnambulist.
I hope someday you'll join us And the world will live as one
Join you? The way YOU joined the rest of the REAL world? Hey, dude, at least Cat Stevens put his motions where his mouth was and blew it all off to become a monk.
As you can see, my affection toward the ultimate hypocrite has no bounds...Its just too bad that his confused, drug-laden politics did in-fact affect the American political system to the point where some people are quoting Marx and Engels as legitimate solutions for basic national problems...and I don't know if we'll ever recover.
Damn you John Lennon....Damn you....

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Do We Ever Learn?-a plea from an American business owner

Do we ever learn?

I am not usually one to ramble about politics, but this election cycle has me scared, thrilled, and baffled-all at the same time.

Originally, I had my mind made up that I was going to vote for the Libertarian (Bob Barr) for president. I was not going to contribute to the madness of a two-party system. I feel that in a two-party system, there is no room for grey area, and in this country, there is PLENTY of grey area to consider when voting. But reality is that we either have all of one, or all of the other- flaws and all...so then you have to consider, who is least flawed?

The biggest flaw that I look for in a presidential or senatorial candidate is this; Do they believe in a socialist society? Now, before you get all angry and up in arms about the term "socialist" keep this in mind, the actual definition of Socialism is "those who propose selective nationalization of the means of production, distribution, and exchange." In Marxist theory, it is the middle stage between a capitalist economy, and a communist economy. Wikipedia has it in its broadest context, but the dictionary definitions are much more refined..http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialism. If you believe in things like Universal Healthcare- you are falling right into the trap. The idea of people in this country having a hard time paying their medical bills is a heart-wrenching reality-especially when it comes to children. There is a solution to the problem, but we have to figure it out WITHOUT hiring the government to steal it from business-owners, and the upper-class. I challenge you to show me a single program that the government hasn't screwed up. Welfare? disaster-Public Schools? disaster-Social security....could send us into another great depression within the decade. The fact is that the only way to raise funds for programs like this is to STEAL it from people who have made the correct choices in life, and have sacrificed basic things that the average person cannot even imagine...(I myself was homeless for 6 months sleeping in my truck to save money to fund my business. I also haven't had a vacation since 1999) No matter how you sugar-coat it, theft is theft,if the person the money is being taken from has not voluntarily given it, and/or it is taken under threat of being sent to jail....what do you call it when one man is forced to serve the needs of another?........come on, you know the answer...SLAVERY!!!! http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/slavery. If this offends you, sorry.....it is what it is. "It seemed like a good idea at the time" is a phrase that we as a country can NEVER afford to utter when it comes to issues like this. This country was created from a revolution over TAXES, and with people running for president who are promising to raise taxes, no matter what the bleeding-heart excuse is, we are falling so far away from the American ideal that I fear our grandchildren won't have a flag to pledge their allegiance to. After all, who will be left to foot the bill after the government has finally taken all the money from the productive members of society?....what will our beloved country look like then? If the European way of life is so wonderful, check out this fact...http://www.architectureweek.com/2007/0926/answer.html.....the average dwelling in England is about the size of a one-bedroom apartment here in the states, and houses FOUR people. thats all they can afford with a 45% tax on their income (and mind you only 1/4 the population of the U.S.). Can you imagine living in a one bedroom apartment for the rest of your life cramped up with 4 people? The average 4 person dwelling in the U.S. is 1600 square feet...we have it good. Come on people, take responsibility for your own lives and your own children and don't demonize the rest of us that already do...Maybe a health-care policy from blue-cross/blue shield (mine costs about $150 per month) is a little more important than $200 shoes ,buying the latest WII game, or eating out every night. The founders of this country prioritized freedom from government AHEAD OF personal comforts. Yes, the federal government is necessary to defend us and to PROMOTE the general welfare, but the day you rely on it for anything other than that,is the day you have truly thrown away the American Dream...."yours is yours, whats mine, you leave alone now- I believe that hope is dead no longer"-collective soul, precious declaration . Great song from my favorite band- hear it and see it HERE.....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpz8aJqAdAM

Friday, September 12, 2008

Top Ten reasons why Eddie Van Halen is NOT the worlds greatest guitar player!

#6 Paul Gilbert

Nicknamed "Hurricane Gilbert", Paul was the guitarist for the legendary L.A. band Racer X during the early 80's. He soon became a household name when he teamed up with bass guitar god Billy Sheehan, and the incredible singer Eric Martin, to form the supergroup Mr. Big. The first single from Mr. Big was a shredder's nightmare, called "addicted to that rush", in which the lead lines were duplicated and harmonized between the lead and bass guitars. The song that everyone remembers them for, however, couldn't be farther from his shredding roots. "To be with you" topped radio charts all over the world, and listening to it, you would never know that all over the world, fledgling guitar players were making their fingers bleed by trying to play Paul Gilbert's music... just an example of his flamboyant personality, and second-to-none chops can bee seen here....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HC60XNiS-MQ. And here is a live version of one of Mr. Big's greatest hits, "Green Tinted Sixties Mind"...hands down one of the coolest guitar riffs ever...it takes a true master to turn an exercise into a catchy guitar part, and that is exactly what he does here...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=va3PrhB1-NI and just screwing around with a friend and a double-necked guitar....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYlx5gW90Aw

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Global warming???? Not according to THE experts

As I ponder my next pick for great guitarists, I thought I would leave you with a post-script on the Global Warming issue. I am going to give you an example of how flimsy the global warming hype is. The Farmers Almanac, which is THE definitive guide to climate and weather in this country(farmers have used it for well over 100 years to know when to plant and harvest their crops, so if it is wrong, we all go hungry), has just published an article predicting the possibility of global COOLING, not warming. Here it is in all its glory- No political agenda, no hype, no propaganda movies or Al Gore, just the facts from one of the most reliable sources regarding climate in the WORLD. It is proven to be correct over 90% of the time (they even predicted the El Nino occurences two years ahead of time)....http://www.usatoday.com/weather/news/2008-09-09-farmers-almanac_N.htm

Friday, September 5, 2008

Stop Global Whining

Ahh the sun...I will never stop trying to debunk this global warming scam until Al Gore sells HIS private jet on e-bay and provides a statement of HIS windfall profits made by peddling that piece of fiction called "An Inconvenient Truth". I think he stakes claim to about 4 thousand scientists who subscribe to the man-made theory, but completely ignores the 30 thousand other scientists who state the FACT of solar flares as the cause for the 1 whole degree that the earth MAY (thats even in question, depending on where the measurement is taken, it is either colder or hotter) have heated up. The major environmental leaders in the governments of most western countrys also think its a load of crap, and here is yet another, from our friends in the UK...http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/northern_ireland/7599810.stm. Check out the above picture- see the weird fire-looking thing in the lower left hand corner? That is a solar flare (and one of those takes light years to reach us), and as all fire does, it creates heat that can heat our entire planet. You know, Greenland is called Greenland for a reason. Even though it is icy now, it USED to be GREEN..http://scitizen.com/screens/blogPage/viewBlog/sw_viewBlog.php?idTheme=13&idContribution=793 Now I know, when it was actually named-it was in fact icy, as it is now. It is just coincidence that it falls in line with what I am trying to say. Scientists have found that there used to be a conifer forest in the central region sometime around the year 450,000 (what was the name of the evil SUV that Ford was putting out then? I think it was called the MAMMOTH).

What would be the point of convincing the world that the carbon output of the United States of American is destroying the environment? The Carbon Tax. The carbon tax is yet another Marxist movement designed to distribute the wealth of hard working Americans. Here is the link to their site..http://www.carbontax.org/. Yet more International Socialism.

Want a good laugh? Check out this song from the Right Brothers- it says it all....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDSK98Y2FNg
If you are casting a vote in an election based on global warming, I love ya, but your'e probably a sucker...

Thursday, September 4, 2008

R.I.P. Jerry Reed

One of the greatest players to ever pick up the instrument, Jerry Reed was an influence on guitarist from ALL genres of music. Even the legendary classical guitar player Andres Segovia was deeply impressed by Jerry's incredible finesse and mastery of his instrument. He also took a parallel career path when he entered the movie industry. Jerry Reed Hubbard has been seen in many movies including the role of the Snowman in the "Smokey and the Bandit" series of movies (for which he penned the famous song "east bound and down"). More recently he co-starred in the Adam Sandler comedy, "The Waterboy". Jerry was a legend for the ages, and he will be sorely missed.

Check out his guitar duet with his (and my) hero Chet Atkins...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ni8KBhnebwE

And of course, the classic montage from "Smokey and the Bandit", "East Bound and Down"..........http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnRwQjTYfGI

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Top Ten reasons why Eddie Van Halen is NOT the worlds greatest guitar player!

#7 Brent Mason

If you heard ANY and I mean ANY country music from the 90's and early 2000's, then you have heard Brent's unique style of playing. During that time, he was the ONLY session player in Nashville worth paying for. His playing can be heard on every album from every artist from Toby Keith to Brooks and Dunn. He has one of the widest ranges of style that I have ever heard. From Chickin' Pickin' country and modern Jazz to old Gypsy jazz in the Django Reinhardt vein. He plays it all, and most importantly, he plays it all FLAWLESSLY.

Check out Hotwire- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VdWmEcjxRjg and Please ignore the goofy bass player

For an example of perfect jazz playing, here is the New Nashville Cats...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVQrF6noAOQ Notice how he uses ALL of his fingers while he is playing..so effortlessly...and not a single mistake. If you want a wide range of terrific playing, and aren't a fan of country music, I recommend any of Brent's many solo albums. "The Master of the Telecaster" is a label that isn't easily given out, but he is surely in the running...