Ahh the sun...I will never stop trying to debunk this global warming scam until Al Gore sells HIS private jet on e-bay and provides a statement of HIS windfall profits made by peddling that piece of fiction called "An Inconvenient Truth". I think he stakes claim to about 4 thousand scientists who subscribe to the man-made theory, but completely ignores the 30 thousand other scientists who state the FACT of solar flares as the cause for the 1 whole degree that the earth MAY (thats even in question, depending on where the measurement is taken, it is either colder or hotter) have heated up. The major environmental leaders in the governments of most western countrys also think its a load of crap, and here is yet another, from our friends in the UK...http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/northern_ireland/7599810.stm. Check out the above picture- see the weird fire-looking thing in the lower left hand corner? That is a solar flare (and one of those takes light years to reach us), and as all fire does, it creates heat that can heat our entire planet. You know, Greenland is called Greenland for a reason. Even though it is icy now, it USED to be GREEN..http://scitizen.com/screens/blogPage/viewBlog/sw_viewBlog.php?idTheme=13&idContribution=793 Now I know, when it was actually named-it was in fact icy, as it is now. It is just coincidence that it falls in line with what I am trying to say. Scientists have found that there used to be a conifer forest in the central region sometime around the year 450,000 (what was the name of the evil SUV that Ford was putting out then? I think it was called the MAMMOTH).
What would be the point of convincing the world that the carbon output of the United States of American is destroying the environment? The Carbon Tax. The carbon tax is yet another Marxist movement designed to distribute the wealth of hard working Americans. Here is the link to their site..http://www.carbontax.org/. Yet more International Socialism.
Want a good laugh? Check out this song from the Right Brothers- it says it all....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDSK98Y2FNg
If you are casting a vote in an election based on global warming, I love ya, but your'e probably a sucker...
Don't lie - have you even seen "An Inconvenient Truth?" Global climate change is hardly a figment of our imaginations.
Are conservatives pre-programing to immediately disagree with everything that a liberal says? Just askin'...
dkt - he never said it was a figment of our imaginations. he was stating that global warming is caused by *gasp* natural occurrences of the sun giving off heat(solar) flares. maybe that is why liberals are so blind and stupid...they only read and hear what they want - and not what is actually being said. i guess you missed the whole point of Gore's hypocrisy by making a film about global warming, yet he flies around in a massive private jumbo jet that gives of large quantities DIRECTLY into the ozone, and owns a grip load of mansions. do you not realize how big of a cash-cow this whole 'go green' movement is? all of a sudden every company...even INSURANCE companies, are 'going green'. the only green they are seeing is the money coming from ignoramuses that believe 'the green movement' is legit.
#1 - I wasn't talking about Gore, I was the one that made the "figment of our imagination" statement. So am I blind and stupid?
The last time I checked, EVERYONE uses airplanes, not just Al Gore. So it seems a bit silly to single him out.
John McCain was asked how many homes he owns and he didn't even know the answer. (It's seven, if you're curious.) So I guues paying utilities on seven homes is a great example of saving energy?
The point is, we all have a lot of work to do to protect the environment. It's not just Al Gore's or John McCain's responsibility. What's so bad about conserving energy?
Finally, you never answered the question as to whether or not you've actually seen the film?
1.) You might not be blind and stupid, but I guess you don't read because prior to the statement about Gore's airplane I never mentioned him. I was simply emphasizing the fact that D's point of that blog was that global warming is a natural occurrence, and not what the political propaganda makes it out to be. I mentioned Gore because you mentioned his film. Thus, I mentioned that Gore was a hypocrite because he teaches one thing yet practices another. Just look at his main home. He consumes twice the amount of power that an average family uses in one year! (http://wizbangblog.com/content/2007/02/26/al-gores-own-inconvenient-trut.php). So is "being green" a political scam? Seems that way when the "Nobel winning' spokesperson for the environment required a payout of $176,829 to put out a speech. If he cares so much, why doesn't he do it for free, or for reasonable accommodations like a hotel and food? (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-500586/Al-Gore-criticised-lining-pockets-3-300-minute-green-speech.html). You think all those celebrities that seem to care so much about the environment joined that 'go green' concert last year for free? No, I bet you that they got paid their millions. Sure, the ticket sales may have gone to charity or whatever...but I bet those performers and speakers still got paid! The entire thing is BS...more so then the end of the world and the catastrophic nuclear meltdowns the world would see in 2000. I wonder how many computers and software got sold that year?
2.) You're right...people do use airplanes. I'm singling him out because he's preaching one thing, but doing another. Shouldn't he lead by example? If he is going to fly; fly with everyone else or not fly at all! He would easily cut down on fuel by not having his very own airplane. Hell, he would even save some of those trees by not having to use his own personal toilet paper!
3.) One can own 20 houses. It doesn't matter when you can only live in one at a time! It's a mute point when a single Gore mansion consumes so much.
4.) There is nothing wrong with conserving energy, but it doesn't need to be political and in your face day in and day out. I already conserved energy before all this "go green" bullshit because I want a lower power bill. Common sense. I could care less about the non-proven environmental impact of living in my small 800 square foot apartment. Only positive thing about 'going green' is the recycling. Not fun going out to a littered park.
5.) I have seen the film. What's your point?
You said "I mentioned Gore because you mentioned his film."
It's your blog post, so I'm pretty sure you brought him up first. Or maybe I am blind.
Singling out Gore for excessive energy use is "convenient," but we're all guilty. We all have to do our part and that's where the discussion ends...
The only reason I asked if you saw the film is because a few years ago my brother decided to go off on my about Fahrenheit 9-11 and how inaccurate it was. Only after I asked him 12 times did he finally admit that he hadn't even seen it. I'm of the opinion that you can't "review" something you haven't heard or seen.
If only 10% of F-911 is accurate, it's still enough to knock you on your ass...
Let's just clear one thing up. If you notice my name, I'm not Scotty-D...so no, it's not my blog. So are you blind? ;)
As for the rest...we both make our points. Politics is a debate that has no end. So why bother pulling each others hairs? You say one and I say the other. Bottom line is...no one person is right. We are all bound to the rules of the media. Unless you do your own research or get FIRST HAND accounts, you pull your facts from what they feed you on TV and in newspapers. I choose to pull my resources from less mass, but plenty reputable, sources online and people I know. For some reason the facts only seem to be online or from the people in the know. After all...did you know that there is hardly a war in Iraq? The battle that you hear so much about from the media is just a small spot in an entire country? Like 90% of the military that is stationed there are playing video games, driving tanks around for fun, and smoking pot. I've been told this by several friends that are in ACTIVE duty. Lets not mention all the good things that are going on over there that the media NEVER tells you (new schools being built for one!). But this is something totally different. Bottom line is, for everyone...DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH AND STOP EATING FROM THE ASS SOAKED SPOON OF THE MASS MEDIA. YOU WATCH LIES AND LISTEN TO LIES, YOU SPEW LIES. Plain and simple.
Nice chatting with ya. I'm not trying to split hairs, so I'm closing this out :)
Nice debate guys! DKT yes, I have seen everything that Michael Moore has put out and I find him lacking in fact just about every time. I own "Roger and Me"- I was a fan of his until I found out that the elusive "Roger" actually did speak with Moore- he faked his identity by pretending he was representing Nader....http://www.premiere.com/features/3899/look-who-talked-roger-and-me-the-lost-episode.html) I don't comment on stuff I haven't seen, that would be hypocritical, and serves no purpose. I started questioning everything he put out about the time that "Bowling for Columbine" was released. A close friend of mine was a rep for Remington at the time, and was privy to the bank scam,(you know, where he opened a bank account, and supposedly waited there and received his free gun. He actually left,and came back a week later dressed exactly the same after his background check was completed by the state, and Remington approved the give-away). I like to know what the "enemy" (Michael Moore, NOT individual Democrats) is saying so I have both sides of the issue. I have also watched The Walmart movie, the "High Cost of Low Prices" Very interesting i am nuetral an it, but I am a radical capitalist, so in this issue I am torn- check out a great article on it showing both sides...http://slate.com/id/2144517/entry/2144521. By the way, most meteorologists catigorically deny the extistence of Man-made global warming, as does the creator of the Weather channel who is in the process of suing Al Gore for Fraud..http://www.carolinahuddle.com/forum/tinderbox/73456-al-gore-being-sued-fraud-over-global-warming-hype.html ...ah so much hype, so little time...the same people championing global warming,also championed two other international hoaxes- global cooling in the 1970s..http://www.denisdutton.com/cooling_world.htm....and Acid Rain (remeber that?jeez I feel old) in the 1980's...http://www.heartland.org/policybot/results.html?artId=20522..but whatever the truth actually is, one thing is certain, if we all take our stewardship of the environment to heart, and make it a personal responsibility as human beings and not Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, green Party, etc...-it will only help us all
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