As I ponder my next pick for great guitarists, I thought I would leave you with a post-script on the Global Warming issue. I am going to give you an example of how flimsy the global warming hype is. The Farmers Almanac, which is THE definitive guide to climate and weather in this country(farmers have used it for well over 100 years to know when to plant and harvest their crops, so if it is wrong, we all go hungry), has just published an article predicting the possibility of global COOLING, not warming. Here it is in all its glory- No political agenda, no hype, no propaganda movies or Al Gore, just the facts from one of the most reliable sources regarding climate in the WORLD. It is proven to be correct over 90% of the time (they even predicted the El Nino occurences two years ahead of time)....http://www.usatoday.com/weather/news/2008-09-09-farmers-almanac_N.htm
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