Do we ever learn?
I am not usually one to ramble about politics, but this election cycle has me scared, thrilled, and baffled-all at the same time.
Originally, I had my mind made up that I was going to vote for the Libertarian (Bob Barr) for president. I was not going to contribute to the madness of a two-party system. I feel that in a two-party system, there is no room for grey area, and in this country, there is PLENTY of grey area to consider when voting. But reality is that we either have all of one, or all of the other- flaws and all...so then you have to consider, who is least flawed?
The biggest flaw that I look for in a presidential or senatorial candidate is this; Do they believe in a socialist society? Now, before you get all angry and up in arms about the term "socialist" keep this in mind, the actual definition of Socialism is "those who propose selective nationalization of the means of production, distribution, and exchange." In Marxist theory, it is the middle stage between a capitalist economy, and a communist economy. Wikipedia has it in its broadest context, but the dictionary definitions are much more refined..http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialism. If you believe in things like Universal Healthcare- you are falling right into the trap. The idea of people in this country having a hard time paying their medical bills is a heart-wrenching reality-especially when it comes to children. There is a solution to the problem, but we have to figure it out WITHOUT hiring the government to steal it from business-owners, and the upper-class. I challenge you to show me a single program that the government hasn't screwed up. Welfare? disaster-Public Schools? disaster-Social security....could send us into another great depression within the decade. The fact is that the only way to raise funds for programs like this is to STEAL it from people who have made the correct choices in life, and have sacrificed basic things that the average person cannot even imagine...(I myself was homeless for 6 months sleeping in my truck to save money to fund my business. I also haven't had a vacation since 1999) No matter how you sugar-coat it, theft is theft,if the person the money is being taken from has not voluntarily given it, and/or it is taken under threat of being sent to jail....what do you call it when one man is forced to serve the needs of another?........come on, you know the answer...SLAVERY!!!! http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/slavery. If this offends you, sorry.....it is what it is. "It seemed like a good idea at the time" is a phrase that we as a country can NEVER afford to utter when it comes to issues like this. This country was created from a revolution over TAXES, and with people running for president who are promising to raise taxes, no matter what the bleeding-heart excuse is, we are falling so far away from the American ideal that I fear our grandchildren won't have a flag to pledge their allegiance to. After all, who will be left to foot the bill after the government has finally taken all the money from the productive members of society?....what will our beloved country look like then? If the European way of life is so wonderful, check out this fact...http://www.architectureweek.com/2007/0926/answer.html.....the average dwelling in England is about the size of a one-bedroom apartment here in the states, and houses FOUR people. thats all they can afford with a 45% tax on their income (and mind you only 1/4 the population of the U.S.). Can you imagine living in a one bedroom apartment for the rest of your life cramped up with 4 people? The average 4 person dwelling in the U.S. is 1600 square feet...we have it good. Come on people, take responsibility for your own lives and your own children and don't demonize the rest of us that already do...Maybe a health-care policy from blue-cross/blue shield (mine costs about $150 per month) is a little more important than $200 shoes ,buying the latest WII game, or eating out every night. The founders of this country prioritized freedom from government AHEAD OF personal comforts. Yes, the federal government is necessary to defend us and to PROMOTE the general welfare, but the day you rely on it for anything other than that,is the day you have truly thrown away the American Dream...."yours is yours, whats mine, you leave alone now- I believe that hope is dead no longer"-collective soul, precious declaration . Great song from my favorite band- hear it and see it HERE.....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpz8aJqAdAM
1 comment:
Yeah, it's hard to know which way to swing. If only people knew the real facts on something, and not just based their ideas off of TV. Suddenly Obama and Universal Health Care wouldn't look so golden. Unfortunately, all those ignorant people see is the word "FREE" and don't think of the effects of "free" health care! You really think the government is going to help your ass if you came rolling in with cancer, aids, or some other disease? Hell no, they would accept you and then pull the plug when 'nobody was looking'. They are not going to foot the bill. Let's not forget about a waiting list! It's hard to make an appointment now when people HAVE insurance! Kelly was on a waiting list for 6 months just to have a checkup! Can you imagine the disaster that would come if EVERYONE had health care and could just hop in the hospital for the smallest thing? "Aunt Betsy has a headache...let's take her to the hospital!". Not to mention the illegals...not including the ones that already get health care. That waiting list just went up over 20 million people!
Outside of the fact that you can't trust the government to take care of you...where do you think this "free" health care is going to come from? It still costs money to make the drugs, employ the medical team, and run the hospital! It's going to come out of your damn taxes.
I want to go Grand Theft Auto on someone's ass every time I see an Obama sticker on their car. They are voting to ruin the AMERICAN life...and they don't even care. All they care about is lies of 'change', or a black man in office. Pathetic. Most days I'm ashamed to be living here.
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