A link to the story is right HERE. This is important because, as goes California, so goes the rest of the country...we should take a lesson from what has been going on out there for years, since Reagan was governor really- big government doesn't work, and you can't regulate everything you don't agree with. Hopefully their retarded politics don't spread to the rest of the country..unfortunately, I fear, they already have..
The idiot faction in Colorado is growing at an unbelievable pace... we actually elected a governor who just 6 months before winning the election, fought to have an illegal alien (who was a refugee from the laws of Mexico) released. Upon being released, he promptly killed a Coloradan by dragging her to her death behind his car.... Colorado decided that the poor judgement and lack of wisdom that Bill Ritter had shown then (which caused this to happen), is exactly what Colorado needed to run the state. The polls afterward ACTUALLY said that he was elected largely due to his LOOKS. Colorado thought that the other guy (Beauprez) had more experience, but Ritter had the charisma and charm..(sound familiar?). Since then, he has done such wonderful things as raise property taxes and overturn the popular (and economically VITAL) right-to-work law. The next thing he is going to do is try to enact the VERY SAME LAW mentioned in the story above that is destroying so many businesses in California right now. And, like California activists, he opposes plans to drill for natural gas, a clean, viable alternative to oil, and a resource that we are rich in- read all about it. I don't know how a man with California politics became governor of the great state of Colorado, but I hope he doesn't bring the same destruction that we are seeing right now. The one thing I would ask of all of the California refugees who will certainly be fleeing the bankrupt state and settling here in the next few years is this...remember the politics, parties,and groups that you may have voted with that brought the golden state to its knees...and leave them THERE, or surely we will suffer the same fate HERE.
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