Ok, so I have been trying to find a new hobby to keep my attention on something other than business, and I think I may have found it....I'm going to re-design, re-wire, and restore an electric guitar.
I purchased this guitar for $50 at a pawn shop, and it looks like it has a perfect finish to start with. As a guy with very little experience, I don't want to have to fill cracks and use wood-sealer my first time. This is a trial run, so the simpler the better. I have never heard of the brand-Indiana, but the fretboard feels comfortable for a guitarist like me- I'm kind of a shred player,and I like to play quick, progressive jazz licks, so I like my action low, with very little pressure needed to fret a note. The tremolo on this thing is shot, In fact, it is missing the springs inside, so the strings have pulled the bridge up out of the base, rendering the entire guitar useless as it sits.
The idea is to have the guitar end up looking something like the tiger-striped one at the top right corner of the page- A George Lynch Custom ESP Tiger-1. George is hands-down one of my top three favorite guitarists, and he has been playing this thing since Dokken's "Breaking the Chains" came out circa 1983. I love the design, but I will probably change the color to something a little more modern. I have an instruction guide on how to do this, so lets see how well I handle direction....
Cool project. I'm useless with wires and tools so I'd never even attempt what you are doing. But more power to ya! Rock on...
Its quite an easy project, just pay attention to the wires that came out- I should NOT have bought a guitar with a pick-guard though, I got it off and found out that the entire area underneath is hollow, so I am having to fill in alot of space with Bondo and Woodfiller. I am going to replace the triple-pick-ups with George's "Screamin Demon" single humbucker- and replace the stock tremolo with a floyd rose...its gonna be sweet...the ESP brand of this guitar would go for about 3k in the store if it turns out the way I want it to. It should cost me between $200-$300 all-in
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