He is a fresh new face on the political scene- he promises change! (what kind of change could this man bring upon the country) It doesn't matter, because change is good, no matter what kind it is right?
Honestly folks, I have discovered after years of trying to reason with liberals that you have to talk to them much like children.You have to get their attention, and keep them from squirming in their seats as you try to educated them (they are much like children with ADD). Reasoning with a liberal is very much like trying to prove to a child that there is no Santa Clause...they don't believe you no matter what the evidence is, because they FEEL so strongly that it is true. A liberal FEELS strongly that war is never good, the rich should shoulder the fiscal bill for the rest of us, Conservatives are racist, Healthcare should be "free", and Michael Moore tells the truth- when the TRUTH is always the opposite of what they feel.
War created this country, freed the slaves, defeated the Nazi's, and has kept Jihad confined to their own part of the world.
Taxing the rich ALWAYS destroys the economy, because the rich are the ones who start the business and create the jobs, and class-warfare is a Marxist concept to start with.
Conservatives fought to free the slaves, the right for women to vote, and passed the civil rights act of 1964...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_Rights_Act_of_1964. (The democrats were the ones who fought it tooth and nail)
Healthcare in the United States is the greatest in the world- folks from other parts of the world come HERE to have serious work done, and U.S. citizens NEVER go there for the same. Healthcare is not a right- you have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. You have the right to vote. You have a right to keep and bear arms. You have a right to peacefully assemble. You have a right to privacy. You have the right to say what you want without fear of lawful retribution (unless you're a conservative- then you get audited or slandered). Had liberals left healthcare alone to begin with, it wouldn't be in crisis as it is today. Everytime the government intervenes in the free market, it screws up. There was a time not too long ago, when any American could see a doctor at a reasonable price, Hell, the doctors used to make housecalls! Not since the government got involved! I should do an entire piece on this travesty alone...
Michael Moore tells half-truths. Here is an example: I walk up to a person in the supermarket who is looking for milk, and I tell them it is down "aisle 2". The person walks to that aisle and finds only candy, tells me that was what they found, and I respond "no, I told you the truth. That aisle does have milk on it- milk chocolate". This is known as a half-truth, just enough to make it believable, but no less an actual lie. Michael Moore has done this his entire career, and it is easily provable- here are a few examples: Bowling for Columbine http://www.mooreexposed.com/bfc.html
Farenheit 911... this one is so packed with lies, that I don't even have the finger strength to type them all in here, so here is a SMALL sample...http://www.davekopel.com/Terror/Fiftysix-deceits-in-Fahrenheit-911.htm...
Michael is a dedicated Socialist, and traitor to this country. The last time the cinema was used to sway the public like this was in Nazi Germany.- how anyone can watch and believe anything that this man puts out to the public is beyond the pale. He counts on the fact that the average American liberal won't take the time to put any thought or research into the facts, and thus, would rather watch a movie to make up their minds.
I am not in the mindset of keeping it civil right now...we have an unqualified, socialist, motivational speaker running on the left side of the equation, and the thorn in the side of the Republicans running on the right side...I will always vote against the socialist, so obviously you know who I will vote for. The fact is, my vote will never punish or hurt anyone (and don't give me that Iraq war bullshit, we haven't been attacked here at home since it started)-can you say the same about your vote?
If in this topsy-turvy election cycle, you REALLY need change, and don't care what kind...write in Ronald..at least no citizens will get hurt, and we may actually get a free Big Mac and a smile in the process...
There's a morning radio show in town that always discusses relationships and how men and women act, feel and relate. Their big catch phrase is "PEOPLE ARE DIFFERENT."
I respect that everyone IS different. We have different backgrounds, values, morals, religious beliefs (or non-beliefs) and political views. No two people will ever agree on every issue, so I don't lose a lot of sleep because I disagree with half of your post. It's all good...
People are going to vote for the candidate that they feel best represents THEIR interests and values. What are you going to do to make MY life better? Who cares about Sally in Seattle, what about ME?
The most important issue in your life might not even make my Top 10 list, and that's an important thing to keep in mind.
You got it Kenny, and we may agree more than you think- we just believe that different people are capable of being the vehicle for our beliefs..but I do beleive in complete transparency in business,politics, and in my personal life- if things are being lied about to promote an agenda, that is unhealthy to ALL of us-I think there is alot of that going on right now- more than I've noticed in the past.
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