Friday, October 31, 2008

Remember the Days?

I found this video a couple of days ago- We used to think guys like this looked sooooo's great, but just look at 'em! Makes me wanna die laughing....


DKT said...

Holy crap, I've never seen that clip before. Was that Dinah Shore? That song was never even a single.

I remember Edgar Anolin at GHS giving me "Yellow And Black Attack" to listen to in 10TH grade and I've been a Stryper fan ever since.

I never gravitated toward their look - I never thought it was "cool." Maybe I was a cynical 14 year-old, but I could sense that they were doing what they had to do to stand out and get noticed. Not that the music wasn't strong enough on its own (talent galore in this band), but the yellow and black, the message, the bibles, etc... - it was a great hook.

The Brilliant and charming Mr. D said...

I didn't care for the yellow and black stripes, even i thought it was a little over the top-I didn't even think it made sense...but being raised in Private schools, they were all I had to rebel with, and with the heavy music and long hair, it was enough to drive my teachers and my mom crazy...job well done by these guys- I was able to rebel just enough. Great band, great musicians, and a great message, even for non-Christians...