We had our night of drunken revelry, We won! We won! We won! Now it is the morning after and the bleary eyed liberals are waking up to find they have married the village idiot, and he ain't looking so good.
On the nightstand is our empty wallet. The house is a mess and a lot of stuff seems to be missing. The phone rings, it is our bank manager, someone has mortgaged our home for the next 50 years and our credit cards are maxed out. Looking outside we see the repo man leaving with our car. When we call our business a stranger informs us that all our interests have been sold to China for Monopoly money. Not only are we not the owner any more but a guy from the DMV is running things.
This news makes us violently ill, no car so we have to walk the 23 blocks to the hospital. After waiting in line for over 2 hours we are admitted to the waiting room. We recognize the administrator, he used to work a desk at the DMV. Another 3 hour wait and then we are informed that the union doctor is not expected back until next week and that until then we need to fill out forms, and of course, pay the waiting room tax.
We contact some old friends and are greeted with explicit language telling us how our new spouse has been very busy insulting them, we get no help there. The dog doesn't even want to associate with us. Then our new spouse shows up with some gang members from across town, it seems they will be living with us and be our new best friends.
Bad dream? You ain't seen nothing yet!
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