I don't always agree with Michael Savage,in fact, I find him extremely abrasive and often comes across as hateful, but yesterday we learned that the San Francisco-based radio talk-show host was barred from entering Great Britain because of his opinions. If you don't think we aren't close to the same liberal facism here in America, think again. The president and his willing filibuster-proof socialist/facist (yes they are the same thing)allies in congress are in the process of trying to implement the fairness doctrine on such dangerous thought-criminals as Rush Limbaugh, Shawn Hannity, and Laura Ingraham.
You lefties were all concerned about your civil liberties when Bush was spying on potential terrorists after we were attacked on our own soil- where is your outrage when your own guy REALLY DOES attack the civil liberties of his vocal opponents? There have been many regimes in the world that has tried to silence its critics; Chavez, Castro, Hitler, Pol Pot, Kim Jun Il...etc. In American, this is new. The Bush administration NEVER tried to silence its critics- otherwise John Stewart and Keith "the bitch" Olberman would be out of jobs. Obama IS trying to silence his critics, and with a supermajority in congress- he can't be stopped...and nobody seems to CARE?!??!
My letter to the REAL establishment..
So, Michael Savage is a thoughtcriminal. I humbly beseech with shovel in hand for Commissar Obama to place me on the banned list with Michael Savage.
Here are my thought crimes:
I voted for Sarah Palin in the last presidential election.
I mortally fear Obama and The Party.
I don't own a gun, but I feel safer when other people do.
I'm a tea partier who created this sign: "Don't Tread On Me: Taxed Enough Already."
I believe government officials should answer to the people - not the other way around.
I've read the US Constitution.
I've read the US Constitution more than once.
I own a copy of the Federalist Papers, Wealth of Nations, and Atlas Shrugged.
My conservative views border on Libertarian.
I listen to Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity on the radio every chance I can.
I watch Glenn Beck on Fox News whenever possible.
I do not want to pay for abortion through taxes.
My friend fought in Iraq and I'm proud of it.
I don't believe waterboarding is torture, especially because the military does it to enlisted men as part of training.
Thank you for consideration of my request. I'll never understand why we broke away from Great Britain and am so grateful to Jackboot Jacqui Smith who, along with Dear Leader Obama, will correct the mistake. I look forward to a long and deserved rail trip through the countryside.
Unredeemed American thoughtcriminal,
First of all, Michael Savage is a clown but he doesn't bother me. I just turn him off. "Banning" him is stupid, because it just gives him more publicity. The guy is secretly hoping that Rush keels over so he can be the next Right Wing Grand Poo-Bah. Not that I care - I'm over everything radio.
And Sarah Palin didn't run for President, or did she?
Savage bothers the hell out of me, because he puts an angry face on a legitimate and well-though out ideology- he turns me off just as much as Franken did on the other side of the aisle- Palin didn't run for Prez, but I think she brought a libertarian aspect to an otherwise wishy-washy RINO (Republican In Name Only- like Schwartenegger) in John McCain- whom I would have had a REAL hard time voting for had she not been on the ticket- I am a Libertarian, and as much as I disagree with many of the social stances of the Republicans, for the sake of economic ideology-and, in my opinion, freedom- I felt that she understood capitalism better than either of the guys on the other ticket, whom we are finding out now with the socialization of GM, and soon-to-be Health-care industry, aren't even Capitalists at all..thanks for the comment Ken- see ya at Kings X!!!
Scottie! Love this post of yours. Couldn't have said it better! I listen to Savage occasionally--he's a little rough on the gays for my taste...for obvious reasons...but, I support his freedom of speech!
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