I am not a progressive...
I am not a conservative..
I am a pragmatist...
The picture to the left links you to an incredible article from the Wall Street journal, which goes into depth about the vision of the Philosopher/Author, Ayn Rand and how it relates to the economic turmoil that we are facing today. The skinny on the matter is, half a century ago when it was published, Atlas Shrugged gave a somewhat tongue in cheek portrait of society, what could be...and unfortunately today, IS. It is not a political book, but rather a history book, that was written BEFORE the events in the book actually unfolded...I believe we are at the stage of society where Ms. Rand STARTED the book - where people were looking around at the economic turmoil around them, wondering how they got there, and were beginning to ask the question, "who is John Galt"..(the very question I have had posted at the top of my blog since the day I started it.If you want to know what it means, read the book- it can be a life-changing experience.) According to many polls taken in the last 30 years, "Atlas Shrugged" is second only to the Bible in its importance to society...and now, staring at the economic tragedy in front of us- society needs to pay attention....Ayn Rand has been SPOT ON about how life would be in the future..so far.If we don't want to end up like the end of her book (if you haven't read it, its not good), maybe we should take her warnings to heart and pay attention? She was a wise woman who studied the USSR and how it came to be- and wrote a warning to the Western World in the form of a novel. Just some food for thought for all you fellow thinkers out there....
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