To piggy-back a little on my last post on the global warming fiasco, as you all have probably gleaned from my many postings, this particular issue is my pet peeve-and has been for years. You may wonder why I take such a sharp stance on this thing, after all, "whats wrong with protecting the environment?". There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with protecting the environment- there isn't a bigger TRUE environmentalist than me. During the summer 50% of my free time is spent hiking the mountains and climbing 14'ers.I visited 8 alpine lakes last summer-that is about 2 per month. The problem with the whole thing is, that it is based on false science, and their solutions to it such as the Kyoto Protocol are geared toward the destruction of capitalism. This has been proven consistently over the last several years. I was originally a believer in this warming myth(long before Al Gore's movie). For years, I dated an Aerospace engineer(many of you probably remember her, and happily choose to forget her as I have), who's JOB it was to study the atmosphere so that the folks who build satellites, rockets, and planes- can design them so that they won't burn up in the atmosphere, or hit an extreme pressure front and fall out of the sky-and she was firmly of the belief that this whole thing is a crock of shit, and of course she convinced me too. Does the hole in the ozone exist? You bet, and its SUPPOSED to be there to balance atmospheric pressure, but certain political fringe groups would have you believe that is our fault too.This inconvenient truth just isn't true. She even went so far as to call Dr. Hansen (Gore's buddy from NASA) an embarrassment to Rocket Scientists(which she was). Why am I bringing this up again? I just ran across and associated press article that goes quickly to prove my long-argued point. Those who are feeding this lie to the public, are intellectually dishonest, and can't even admit that the fact that the planet is COOLING proves that it isn't WARMING. You can't have it both ways- we are talking the laws of physics here. In fact, this idiot reporter actually says that we have been having record COLD temperatures all over the planet for the last 5 years, BECAUSE the planet is warming....WHAT????? That's like saying that someone got frostbite because of a sunburn, heat stroke from an avalanche, anorexia from eating too much, and GAINED braincells from inhaling paint thinner!??!? Disagree with me or not on whether the subject is true... you have to admit-this guy is retarded....http://apnews.myway.com/article/20081214/D952LKP00.html
If you are going to hold an opinion and act as if it is "accepted fact" as Al Gore says in his inconvenient movie, at least be intellectually honest once your facts and opinion are challenged. I'm not always right, and neither is Al Gore. Now, for the first time in many years the majority of scientists are global warming sceptics, rather than proponents-and I suppose that makes many of the people who have been profiteering from the whole green-craze (there is a company that you actually PAY to help you reduce your "carbon footprint"), and politicians who have been profiting politically,very nervous that they are about to be exposed internationally....I say Name their names, take their jobs away,and make them find other ways to rip-off the public.
Yup...complete and utter bullshit. I have always thought it was such. After all...it's convenient that corporations and government systems are starting to make money off the whole thing.
Ya Mon- hopefully the world is told the truth before the fascists who are about to take power turn us into a Third-world country- John Galt..needed now more than ever! Cool blog by the way Scotty..great music and sharp intellect. Keep it up, the country needs more people like you!
By the way...you should have put "Robbin' the Hood" from Sublime on your countdown...an underappreciated classic.
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