#12 Crimson Glory- Strange and Beautiful
Crimson Glory was one of those bands that was just TOO good. Much like Queensryche, they appealed to an advanced musical audience. Strange was their 3rd album, and it was also their most commercially appealing. Combining the progressive metal they were know for, with melodic taste worthy of radio airplay, Strange and Beautiful was one of the most complete metal albums of its generation. This 1991 release was one of the many brilliant albums that was pushed to the side by radio stations in favor of the grunge movement. From Strange and Beautiful, a more commercial song....
and a a little closer to the progressive style they were known for....yes those are metalic masks they are wearing, that was their gimic in the beginning, as if they needed one..
I hope whoever advised them to wear those masks in the "Lonely" video got fired because they looked absolutley ridiculous. It's a decent song, but I'll be honest - it sounds a little dated for 1991. It sounds like something Helix would have done 8 years prior. And I'm not crazy about the singer's voice. I'd be interested in hearing the rest of the album...
Keep in mind that there was very little, if any radio airplay for these bands. So if all you saw was the "Lonely" video on Headbanger's Ball, chances are slim that it would make you want to buy the album. Doesn't mean they aren't a good band with a good album but you only get once chance to make a first impression. And that video does them no favors. That's all I meant...
the "lonely" video was circa 1986, so it was definately dated and the masks were ridiculous- the Strange and Beautiul album was 1991- it was an incredible album,and it is worth picking up if you can find it- his voice was pretty unique sounding in the Geoff Tate arena- who's voice took me some getting used to also.. but I think my favorite song on it was probably "starchamber" based off of 2001 a space odyssey
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