Monday, April 28, 2008

How does ice melt if the temperature never reaches above freezing? answer: IT DOESN'T

If you are quick to believe ALGORE, and his global warming stories (why would you, by the way? the man told 9,count 'em, 9 lies in ONE debate during his presidential debate with GW- prompting the New York Times- not exactly a right-leaning paper- to have the headline "Liar,Liar") Here are some FACTS about the temperature in Antarctica...and my question is, if the temperature has only gone above freezing ONE time (1974) how are the ice-caps melting?..... Common sense folks, even a child could figure this one out. Which should prompt the question- why do they want us to believe a lie? answer..the international carbon's a link about that too...this is scary... more socialism (communism, for those of you who hit the bong too hard in highschool).

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