Wednesday, December 31, 2008

What is wrong with this picture?

This is a movie poster of a funny flick from the 70's in which a group of union members hatch a scheme to rob the safe of the Union they work for...In retrospect, not such a bad idea.
At a time when the auto industry has been suffering tremendously from high fuel costs and a credit crunch, a contributing reason for industry failure-the labor union- shows itself to be richer than the companies that employ its members?
United Auto Workers Union Worth $1.5 Billion in 2007

Many may disagree with me, because labor unions try to pass themselves off as being as American as apple pie, and thats fine, because they once were. The fact is that in this day and age, labor unions are responsible for the demise of some of the country's largest and most successful companies.
American Freightways was second in size only to UPS 5 years ago and today? GONE. The competition bought them out because the union wouldn't budge on its salary and benefit demands and was ultimately kicked out as a part of the take-over by Fed-Ex freight.
NW Freight is a local example of the same thing for Coloradans reading this, except that the owner in that instance pulled a John Galt. He said "screw you" to the overreaching union that was telling him how to run his business, closed up shop, liquidated his assets, and disappeared, leaving thousands of employees left to wonder what had happened.
Why do unions do this to American business owners? Its not that their intentions are bad, immoral, or even unnecessary. The problem is that the people who head these organizations are more often that not completely oblivious to how businesses operate, the laws of supply and demand, and capitalism in general. Often they are attorneys who have never written a paycheck or had to make important decisions that could make or break the future of a business they head.
These labor Unions demonize the companies that the members work for so badly, that the members are often more dedicated to the Union than they are to the company that actually employs them and allows them to have a decent life in America. As a former member and steward of a Union shop, I have sat through many a meeting in which the members in attendance are told "this is how the company is trying to screw you this time.." "its us against them...". As a man who has been self-employed since 1999, I can tell you, nothing is further from the truth. Most business owners walk a difficult line between what is best for the employees NOW and what is best for the entire company and its future LONG TERM.

I am in a profession where I have to explain to alot of folks (mostly truck drivers) almost daily how the oil industry actually works. I have to justify fuel surcharges and the question always comes up, "what about the record profits?". "Why are they not giving that money back to the employees, or cut the price of fuel at the pump?" The answer is very simple. First of all, the "record profits" that our "honest" and "balanced" media tells you about are GROSS profits- ie; before all expenses such as drilling, transportation, refining, distribution, labor, and administration. When it is all said and done, the oil companies will see a NET profit of about 4 cents per gallon and with fuel as high as $4.50 over the summer, this is a net profit of less than .01 percent. This is hardly an outrageous or greedy number,(frankly, as a business owner, if I spent 99.99% of my revenue just to operate, I would throw in the towel, because it isn't worth the hassle). The sick fact is that the government at the state and Federal levels confiscate up to ten times that amount in fuel taxes, sales taxes, and miscellaneous environmental taxes imposed on each gallon consumed-Not to mention the tax on the actual NET profit that the oil company receives per quarter. After all of this, the company is ultimately putting .0070 percent of their total revenue in their pockets, and most of that is actually used for exploration, and investment in the company's future.
The terms "Big Oil" and "evil corporate greed", for the most part, are propaganda lines created by Marxist professors of today, Hippies of the 60's, and have been injected into the American dialog via the mainstream media and Hollywood. If you doubt this fact then ask yourself this; when Hollywood remade the movie "The China Syndrome" in 2005, why did they make the conspirators an international corporation instead of a Communist regime, as it was originally written and filmed in the 60's?
Are there companies out there who's executives take outrageous golden parachutes? Absolutely, and in alot of cases it is wrong, in others (such as Lee Iacocca's resurrection of G.M.) it is completely justified. As much as we want economic equality in this country, it is not a RIGHT to have a job, or to have alot of money and be successful,but it is your RIGHT to TRY. As long as nobody hurts you or does anything illegal to stop you during your pursuit of happiness, it is THEIR right to try to beat you in the marketplace.
Competition is what economic freedom is all about, and (circling back to the original point of this posting), competition is exactly what greedy unions destroy. They demand raises when the company isn't raising gross revenue, and they refuse to give any ground back when that same company is losing money, or getting beaten because the competition offers up a similar or higher quality product at a better price. They squelch competition between employees by stressing seniority and grievances, rather than skill, ingenuity, dedication, or motivation, and this in turn produces a mediocre product to market. The only group of laborers who produce lesser-quality products than many modern-day Union workers are those who are forced to labor, such as in China and in parts of South America.
This is not meant to be a dig on the ideals and beliefs or skills of the workers themselves, but a chastising of what the once-necessary American Union has become....a home for failed politicians, lawyers, Marxists, and fiscal leaches. When a Union has more money in its coffers than the companies who produced the money in the first place...BILLIONS more, and workers are still getting laid-off and having to collect unemployment, isn't it time to question why Hollywood doesn't make a movie about the greed and corruption of "Big Labor", and why "60 Minutes" hasn't release an explosive expose about the lavish lifestyle of James Hoffa Jr.?
Fellow travelers are often ignorant of where the road they are taking is leading them...history should be their road map, but they choose to ignore it hoping that the destination will somehow be different than where it lead previous generations. Why do union leaders think that THEIR travel down the road to a worker's army will end up any different than the USSR's or Cuba's?

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Bollywood as clueless as Hollywood

One might think that an attack like Mumbai just suffered, in which as many as 300 died, might tend to focus the minds of Indians on the true definition of terrorism. Not according to Bollywood, India’s film industry, which apparently has more in common with Hollywood than just a clever twist on the name, they also share a common form of mental and political retardation:
On the evening of Nov. 26, the biggest names in Bollywood walked the red carpet at the Bombay premiere of “The President Is Coming,” a comedy about six 20-somethings vying to win the right to shake hands with President Bush.
Among those in attendance at the star-studded premiere Wednesday evening was Bollywood’s “new heartthrob” Imran Khan, who proudly posed for paparazzi donning a T-shirt with Mr. Bush’s face sandwiched between the words “International Terrorist.”
Mr. Khan - a member of India’s Muslim minority - chose not to mock international terrorists who kill in the name of Allah. He and his co-religionists know the deadly results for those who do.
At the precise moment Mr. Khan and hundreds of others making their fortunes in the multibillion-dollar Indian movie business were watching “The President Is Coming,” only a few blocks away, 10 20-something Muslim extremists began a horrific three-day terror spree.
Azam Amir Kasab, the sole surviving terrorist, told his saviors, “I was told to kill to my last breath.” The 21-year-old Pakistani stated that the group’s goal was to kill 5,000 people. Overall, at least 174 people died and more than 300 were injured.
Andrew Breitbart reports that Khan wore this shirt despite the deaths of family members of other members of the Bollywood community. Khan’s shirt may have been the most obvious evidence of cluelessness — and the most crass — but he was hardly alone. They’re busy blaming the police for their ineptitude rather than the terrorists themselves (with some justification) while declaring the terrorists insane and demanding that the same authorities chase after them with butterfly nets rather than guns, which seems wildly contradictory to everyone outside of Bollywood … and Hollywood.
Interestingly, George Bush has a much higher approval rating in India than in the US. Forty-five percent approve of his job performance, while 34% disapprove. I’d bet that number rises in the wake of Mumbai as the people of India have more sense than their film industry and realize who the real terrorists are — and which leader has managed to keep his own nation safe from them since 9/11. Part of that success comes from recognizing who the real terrorists are, and ignoring the pop-culture twits who can only take cheap shots at the safe targets from the sidelines.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow...

Need I say more? Its so friggin hot these days...better trade my Ram in for a Smart-Car before we cause the new Ice-Age! (oh I forgot, that was supposed to happen in the 80's)

Monday, December 15, 2008

absurd, absurd,absurd absurd...are we children here?

To piggy-back a little on my last post on the global warming fiasco, as you all have probably gleaned from my many postings, this particular issue is my pet peeve-and has been for years. You may wonder why I take such a sharp stance on this thing, after all, "whats wrong with protecting the environment?". There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with protecting the environment- there isn't a bigger TRUE environmentalist than me. During the summer 50% of my free time is spent hiking the mountains and climbing 14'ers.I visited 8 alpine lakes last summer-that is about 2 per month. The problem with the whole thing is, that it is based on false science, and their solutions to it such as the Kyoto Protocol are geared toward the destruction of capitalism. This has been proven consistently over the last several years. I was originally a believer in this warming myth(long before Al Gore's movie). For years, I dated an Aerospace engineer(many of you probably remember her, and happily choose to forget her as I have), who's JOB it was to study the atmosphere so that the folks who build satellites, rockets, and planes- can design them so that they won't burn up in the atmosphere, or hit an extreme pressure front and fall out of the sky-and she was firmly of the belief that this whole thing is a crock of shit, and of course she convinced me too. Does the hole in the ozone exist? You bet, and its SUPPOSED to be there to balance atmospheric pressure, but certain political fringe groups would have you believe that is our fault too.This inconvenient truth just isn't true. She even went so far as to call Dr. Hansen (Gore's buddy from NASA) an embarrassment to Rocket Scientists(which she was). Why am I bringing this up again? I just ran across and associated press article that goes quickly to prove my long-argued point. Those who are feeding this lie to the public, are intellectually dishonest, and can't even admit that the fact that the planet is COOLING proves that it isn't WARMING. You can't have it both ways- we are talking the laws of physics here. In fact, this idiot reporter actually says that we have been having record COLD temperatures all over the planet for the last 5 years, BECAUSE the planet is warming....WHAT????? That's like saying that someone got frostbite because of a sunburn, heat stroke from an avalanche, anorexia from eating too much, and GAINED braincells from inhaling paint thinner!??!? Disagree with me or not on whether the subject is true... you have to admit-this guy is retarded....
If you are going to hold an opinion and act as if it is "accepted fact" as Al Gore says in his inconvenient movie, at least be intellectually honest once your facts and opinion are challenged. I'm not always right, and neither is Al Gore. Now, for the first time in many years the majority of scientists are global warming sceptics, rather than proponents-and I suppose that makes many of the people who have been profiteering from the whole green-craze (there is a company that you actually PAY to help you reduce your "carbon footprint"), and politicians who have been profiting politically,very nervous that they are about to be exposed internationally....I say Name their names, take their jobs away,and make them find other ways to rip-off the public.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Now more Scientists at the U.N. believe Global Warming is a scam than believe it is real!

The tide is finally turning at the U.N.- lets just hope and pray that they finally fess up to the scam before international economies are turned on their heads,the carbon tax is implemented, and Westerers are forced to walk...I know it sounds drastic, but they have admitted that this is what they are after..
UN Blowback: More Than 650 International Scientists Dissent Over Man-Made Global Warming Claims

Study: Half of warming due to Sun! –Sea Levels Fail to Rise? - Warming Fears in 'Dustbin of History'
read the rest here....

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

A final interview surfaces with one of my long-time heros, Johnny Ramone

Yes, its political- but is is also interesting. Johnny explains the very complicated dynamic between punk rock of the late 70's, which he was a part of, and the current state of punk rock, and regular rock-n-roll. This is one of the last interviews with a music may not agree with what he has to say, but it is a very informative interview. As a Libertarian, I don't agree whole-heartedly with what he says, but I think he is in the ball-park, which has become unusual for the modern-day punk Icon...

"I wanna be sedated...."

Top 15 albums that should be considered classics(but for some reason aren't?!?!)- Honorable Mentions...

This was a TOUGH countdown, because there were many intangibles, and sooo many great artists who should have had their day in the sun...but I gave you my list. These artists were ones that I struggled with every time I had to decide who to put next on the countdown...I'll cover them quickly and in one posting...

Harem Scarem- Human Nature
If there was a band that was completely ignored by the record execs, it was this band. Easily the greatest band to come from Canada (besides RUSH), HS looked too much like a glam band when they came out, but weren't. I am going to take a little liberty here, and give you a little extra taste of a band that should be HUGE.They are very progressive, and guitarist Pete Lesperance, could easily be one of the top ten..creative, talented, and incredible live..turn it up..... for you guitar enthusiasts out there...SeeSaw...

and the live version of the awesome title track..the harmonies are incredible, especially for a metal band....12 albums since their start, they have NEVER released a bad album...

Hanoi Rocks-two steps from the move
The ORIGINAL glam rockers- around since 1979, and direct products of T-Rex, Mott the Hoople, David Bowie,the Rolling Stones, and Sweet. The band was,by all acounts, destined for super stardom, until tragically-their drummer, Razzle, was killed in a car accident involving Vince Neil of Motley Crue (Vince served prison time for the incident). The rest of the band fell apart..singer Michael Monroe tried to carry on solo, but didn't have any success state-side. They have since reunited, and are touring the entire world, (except the US of course). Known for their live performances, look them up on youtube, and then ask yourselves why our record company execs tossed them aside?

House of Lords- Sahara
easily one of the greatest gathering of musicians in AOR history, House of Lords had moderate success with this album, but was never given the airtime they deserved. An INCREDIBLE sounding live band, House of Lords continues to tour the rest of the world to this day, and seeing them live is an experience not soon forgotten...

Warrant- Dog Eat Dog
The album achieved "gold" status in the United States, but was significantly less successful in a commercial sense than the band's first two albums. It is, nonetheless, regarded by most critics as Warrant's strongest record, and a favorite among many devoted fans, including myself. The tone and style of the album could be said to be the last stage of the glam metal style during the 80s, when they were actually starting to expand their musical abilities, and "get serious". This may have been their greatest recording. Unfortunately, like Winger, Warrant was one of the bands intentionally destroyed for the sake of grunge..

Blue Murder...
What can you say about the guitarist/songwriter responsible for the success of Whitesnake? John Sykes and David Coverdale stopped getting along just before WS hit it big in the states with "Still of the Night". This album shows very clearly, who was the brains and talent (other than vocally) behind Whitesnake. It is unfortunate, that the marketing folks in the record industry chose not to sell him as the SNAKE in Whitesnake, but rather, made him start over at the beginning while David Coverdale rode his incredible songs to international stardom

Morrissey...Viva Hate
Morrissey is the perfect example of an enigma. I have been listening to him for years. I was first turned into a fan when his band The Smiths released "Louder than Bombs" in the 80's. In my opinion, the songwriting is as great as the Beatles, and the lyrics that Morrissey creates are poetic-on the level of Jim Morrison. It is simply incredible to follow a man's thought process, personal reflection and inner turmoil for twenty years because he dictates his life in his songs. You actually feel like you know the man personally, grow up as he grows up, face challenges as he does... and that is what GREAT song writing is all about- it becomes spiritual. One of his earlier songs about shyness personally helped me climb that wall in my own psyche when I was in high school. Is he straight? Is he gay? Is he Liberal? Is he Conservative? No one really knows, including Morrissey himself, which is what makes him one of the most fascinating personalities-and talented musicians of the last 20+ years. If you want to be intellectually challenged, as well as have some great pop/rock to listen to..pick up ANYTHING by Morrissey...coming from a metalhead, this says alot. He is the Ultimate Enigma.

Sublime...40 ounces to freedom...
Love 'em or Hate 'em, Sublime actually created a new style of music- the first since the Punk explosion of the late 70's. They were all decent musicians, but the heart of their genius was within their late, great, singer/songwriter- Bradley Nowell. Brad visited Jamaica with his father in the mid-80's, went to Trenchtown, and the Bob Marley museum, and was forever changed- basically he arrived there a punk-rocker, and left there inspired. Fusing the fast rythm and rebellion of punk with the clean and extremely melodic Reggae of Marley- he combined the two for a masterful creation that has spawned an entire industry since his tragic death in 1996. Sublime's follow-up self-titled album has since gone 5x platinum. This is the one that started it all...

Monday, December 8, 2008

Top 15 albums that should be considered classics(but for some reason aren't?!?!)

#1 Pretty Boy Floyd...Leather Boys With Electric Toys...


#1 Winger....PULL

Winger is easily the most maligned metal band in history. Wiped out by Nirvana, ridiculed by Beavis and Butthead, singled out for hostility by Metallica. In part, they deserved it. The pretty boy dancing in the videos, the big hair, Kip's unfortunate turn in Playgirl magazine. "She's Only Seventeen" will haunt them forever.

Forget all of that. Forget that you even know what these guys look like or sound like. This album contains what is arguably 10 of the most well crafted metal songs of the 90's. Incredible musicianship (as always), pop-sensible songwriting, and choruses and riffs so memorable it would make Lennon and McCartney proud.

Stop and consider who these guys are without all the hairband MTV hoopla. Kip Winger - Alice Cooper's bass player. Reb Beach - classically trained virtuoso who stepped up to fill the gigantic shoes of George Lynch in Dokken. Rod Morgenstein - drummer of the 70's prog-fusion masters The Dixie Dregs (not to mention drummer for Jelly Jam with John Myung (Dream Theater) and Ty Tabor (King's X). These are three incredibly accomplished musicians and one of the tightest trios ever assembled. It shows on every tune, as does the hit making magic of the Winger/Beach writing team.

"Pull" was a masterpiece, and because of one man, their mortal enemy Mike Judge (creator of Beavis and Butthead) it remains to this day,just a warm memory in the hearts of metal fans who dream of what metal should have become...but sadly never did. The closest metal would get to reaching this level would be Creed, and eventually Nickleback..not even close to this level of musical mastery. to quote the opening song of the album, Behold....

and here is a live version of the same song "Blind Revolution Mad" you know they were not made up of studio special effects and polishing...

check out the live version of the tough-as-nails song "Junkyard Dog"

and, probably my favorite Winger song..."Who's the One"..keep in mind, this BASS-player is the "pretty boy", "Poseur", "fag" and whatever else they could possibly call him-playing guitar probably better than anyone in modern rock today...this is the level we expected OUR musicians to play at to gain our respect...

There were alot of albums to choose from in this list- it was very hard deciding who would be here, and who would not. I have a list of honorable mentions that I am going to post next-These will be popular, and some not-so popular bands.Unfortunately, the music business has often neglected the deserving, and praised the fools, but over-all, the bands who made the albums that were truly great, know who they are. The bands who made the stinkers who's success was totally dependent upon timing, and whatever chip the current movers-and-shakers in the music industry had on their collective shoulders,also know who they are. This list means absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things, but at least,many of the great bands of the last 30 years have at least one fan who appreciated them for what they were and still are....great musicians, and not trendy playing pieces in a record executive's game of chance...

Top 15 albums that should be considered classics(but for some reason aren't?!?!)

#2 Europe
Prisoners in Paradise
Now before you use the words I know you are probably thinking, Europe...EUROPE?!? I have to ask you. Have you ever heard this album? After releasing 4 albums in the 80's, 2 of which were the platinum vehicles that launched the Pop/Rock hits, "Carrie" "Rock the Night", of course the classic "The Final Countdown", and many other moderately popular hits, the boys in Europe decided to get serious again. Prisoners is much more in line with the debut self-titled album, and their sophomore "Wings of Tommorrow", which are the albums that came before the bubblegum rock albums you all know, (and probably love). Prisoners is one of the best written albums that I have in my collection. The sound is perfect, a little less keyboard oriented, and alot more Zeppelin. Prisoners is the album that they wanted to release right after The Final Countdown made them household names, but the record company wouldn't have any part of it. It was too raw, and the lyrical content was too deep (Joey Tempest was, and is sort of a conspiracy theorist. The New world Order is the over-all theme of this album, and the latest album, "Secret Society" is very "Skull and Bones" themed). Prisoners had the perfect balance of serious, thought-provoking songs, like "The Girl From Lebanon" and of course the title track, as well as some fun songs, like the blistering opener "All or Nothing"..heard here...

My favorite song on this album, and perhaps one of my favorite songs of all time, would have to be the title track, "Prisoners in Paradise", and epic sounding ballad...seen and heard here...
and an awesome live version...and as you can hear, they are still loved in Europe...and if you notice, the bass player BITES it at about 3:04..and then recovers in front of the camera with an ultra-cool smirk...LOL

Their latest album, "Secret Society" is by far my favorite album they've ever put out. It is as heavy as any American band has on the radio today. Unfortunately, Europe's day under the American sun has passed. This is a tragedy, because their best music came AFTER they went plantinum of their newer songs..

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Top 15 albums that should be considered classics(but for some reason aren't?!?!)

#3 Def Leppard SLANG

As the first album by this band NOT to go platinum in the United States. This is probably due to the fact that during 1996, radio stations weren't playing music from 80's rock bands, so therefore, no one knew it came out, unless they were already fans. This is a shame, especially with this album. SLANG was one of Def Leppard's most innovative, and creative albums. The raw guitar tone reminds me of early punk guitar, and even modern bands such as Rancid. The influence of this album can be heard in many bands of today, such as Fallout Boy, and the All American Rejects. SLANG had a perfect mix of darkly-tinged metal songs, and more upbeat songs like the title track. For anyone looking to find an album that defines why today's music sounds the way it does- look no further than the 12-year-old SLANG.

Here is a video for "All I Want is Everything"><

and the very upbeat, and my personal favorite...the title track- SLANG

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Top 15 albums that should be considered classics(but for some reason aren't?!?!)

#4 Tesla- Bust a Nut..

1994...Grunge has well embedded itself into the national psyche.. and along comes Tesla. Those of us who have been fans all along know that they never made a bad album. We weren't let down in this case either. The powers that be didn't want this album to see the light of day any more than they wanted to see another Poison album do well....especially unfair in relation to this band, who always separated themselves from the pack, and still sold over 16 million albums (to date). "Bust a Nut" was packed with potential hits such as "Need your Lovin'", the very cool "alot to lose", and my personal favorite "mama's fool". In my opinion, this was one of their best albums, but unfortunately it was the most over-looked, purposely, for the most part. The music industry of the early 90's tried its best to kill all things 80' a fascist version of David Geffen. What they failed to acknowledge, was the fact that, had we had a choice in the matter, we probably would have listened to Pearl Jam's "VS." as well as "Bust a Nut". Videos from this album are mostly locked, so here is the link to one of my favorite Tesla songs... ...and the very cool, "rubberband"...Long Live the Kings of real rock and roll-
"No Machines!"..

Monday, December 1, 2008

Top 15 albums that should be considered classics(but for some reason aren't?!?!)

#5 XYZ..
XYZ was a band of nothing but talent,and raw energy- but at the time this album was released, they were already being written off by some as clones of Dokken, but one listen to this amazing album would soon dispell that myth. Hungry starts off with the sleazy and raw "Face down in the Gutter", and ventures a little deeper lyrically with "Off to the Sun", and "The Sun Also Rises in Hell". The only thing Dokken here was the myth, and the fact that Don Dokken produced their first album.
Starting off as the defacto house band of The Whiskey-a-go-go, XYZ soon forged their own distinct sound, and Terry Ilous soon set himself apart as one of the great singers of the era. 1991 saw the end of XYZ's most famous line-up, and as most of the bands of the 80's, they went off quietly into the sun, releasing only one more album 12 years later. One of my favorites- "Face Down in the Gutter"

and of course, the video for the song they are most famous for..."Inside Out"..