Friday, August 29, 2008
Will the Real Messiah Please Step Forward?
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Top Ten reasons why Eddie Van Halen is NOT the worlds greatest guitar player!

This amazing and criminally underrated guitarist from the late 80's band Danger Danger has been dropping jaws all over the world (except in the U.S. of course, because we don't know what talent is anymore-thank you Kurt Cobain). His style is a mixture of Jazz/Fusion, finger-style acoustic, and even country. Very few guitarists out there with the speed and technique of Andy can play with the amount of feeling that he puts into every phrase he plays. His versatility is one of the reasons Joe Satriani picked him to join him twice on the legendary G3 tour.. It was very hard to decide which video of his to put up here, because they are all incredible, but here is a video of him performing his song "Electric Gypsy" at GIT, the guitar school in L.A. where the top players in the world go to learn to attempt to be as good as Andy. As you can see, and hear, they have quite a mountain to climb.....
and here is groove or die...a shredders paradise...
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Top Ten reasons why Eddie Van Halen is NOT the worlds greatest guitar player!

Top Ten reasons why Eddie Van Halen is NOT the worlds greatest guitar player!

what can you say about the legendary guitar player of the Dixie Dreggs, a band which birthed yet another legendary player (drummer) Rod Morgenstein, now with Winger...he plays so flawlessly, and effortlessly, that he refuses to use the most common technique known as legato, (a finger trick that makes you sound like you are playing faster than you actually are) opting instead to pick every single note individually...witness TUMENI NOTES...
Here is another link to the incredible Steve Morse- this one is 8 minutes long, but it is some of the most creative guitar playing I have ever heard, and worth EVERY second of your time...
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Candidate #2

Candidate #2
*War hero ( a real one, not a fake one like Kerry)
*Lifetime of service in the Senate, House, and Reagan administration
*over 537 bills sponsored, 31 have been enacted-
*straight-talking maverick (often to his own party's dismay)